Ask VALORANT #4 Comes Back With Good News
Riot Games is proceeding with full speed through the esports scene with their well-received esports title Valorant, and they are clearly aiming up high with their quality goals. While Ignition Series is picking up even further pace with their new contributors and partners, the developers are quietly working behind the scenes to carry the game towards much better places and catch up with community’s requests and interests.
Ask Valorant, the series where developers gather the most frequently asked questions on forums and social media to inform players regarding the crucial matters, is up with its fourth release. Let’s take a look at the points clarified, and see what we may expect in near future for a better Valorant experience.
First point is related to the micro-level customization of skins and sound effects on client side. As much as the new skins and sounds are widely enjoyed by the community, competitive players are sometimes preferring the vanilla settings of game and sometimes even further simplified states of the game if possible so they can focus on details without getting lost in a vortex of effects. This is as old as pros using 640*480 resolution with minimum graphic details in FPS games to ensure maximum visibility, speed and precision during a match. Also, despite the massive positive reactions from general community for skins and sounds, Riot Games developers acknowledge that there will always be players who will want to keep certain parts of such additions out of their environment. This is indeed a tricky matter to tackle, but Riot Games responded that they are aware of such issues and requests on players’ side — admitting it will take time, but they will do their best to ensure maximum satisfaction for as many players as possible.
Moving right on to the second part of newsletter, we are seeing that many players are intensely asking for further lore. Riot Games is still famous for their revolutionary MOBA game League of Legends which has an immense lore that is glorified with tons of artistic content over the years and they are still bringing more to the table. Understandably, Valorant is now under the same pressure of expectations from gamers who loved Riot’s successful implementation of a unique lore via many channels. Riot Games decided to keep the mysterious air here, and told that every single aspect of the game is supposed to serve the competitive integrity and success first. With that said, they are also pointing out that they still have the very same passion for building up a wonderful universe for their games and Valorant is no exception. Apparently they are planning a long roller coaster experience to give for Valorant’s lore, and we could only wait to see nice surprises.
Third point is a feature request that is as old as DotA. Players are asking for agent-specific custom keybinds and Riot Games very decisively responded that this is one of their top priority features at the moment — they are working on it. They clearly promised that delivery of this feature will happen as soon as possible.
As the last point, players were issuing complaints regarding the hitboxes especially when their opponents are crouched. The major issue here was the headshots being registered as body shots, and Riot Games developers addressed this concern right away. They initially assured us that there were no technical issues with shot registrations and hitbox mechanics, but some particle effects are found to be occasionally deceptive for players and this is raising concerns understandably. Thus, they took the issue serious and responded that they are currently trying to improve readibility in shots — even promised to come back with an article that clarifies the details of entire matter soon.
These four points were the concerns addressed by Riot Games this week in Ask Valorant #4. For the official article published, you can visit this page.